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This bundle includes 4 sentence diagramming tests, ranging in difficulty from Beginner to Expert level, each of which features a combination of various sentence types and parts. For ease of grading, every test consist of exactly 100 words (the actual number of exercises varies), allowing a teacher to simply mark off 1 point for each incorrectly placed word.


Each test package comes with the following:

-2 versions of the test, one with hints, and one without

-Empty outlines for each diagram, which can be printed and given to students at the teacher's discretion

-A complete answer key


The Beginner level test covers subjects, verbs, direct objects and modifiers. It can be given to students with a basic knowledge of diagramming.


The Intermediate level test covers compound elements and includes some tricky prepositional phrases and modifiers. Students should have some experience with diagramming before attempting it.


The Advanced level test covers the verbals (gerunds, participles, and infinitives) as well as compound and complex sentences. It is not for the faint of heart. Do not administer this test if you hope to maintain the status of "most popular teacher."


The Expert level test covers noun clauses, appositives, nouns of direct address and expletives, along with all the elements covered by previous tests. Only the most fearless and iron-willed students should dare attempt it. If any such students survive the test, they will likely be scared for life. BUT, they'll have a really great understanding of English sentence structure. Life is all about trade-offs, am I right?

Sentence Diagramming Test Bundle - Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, and Expert


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