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  • Writer's pictureKeith Accisano

The Price I Chose to Pay

Much like my short story "The Angel and the Naiad," this poem is only half fiction. Somehow the Green River always seems to play a role in whatever emotional trauma I'm experiencing at a given moment. But you know the old saying: When life gives you emotional trauma, make an absolute BANGER of a poem.

The Price I Chose to Pay

Her home was on the river road

Which flanked the emerald flow.

And often I would spend the day

(For that was the price I chose to pay)

With rod and net not far away

And hope to wave hello.

At times, I heard her harping

Through the summer evenings long,

And lovely notes of music play

While teardrops touched the grass and clay

(for that was the price I chose to pay)

In tandem with her song.

The autumn leaves were falling

When I walked up to her door

With salmon I had caught that day

(for that was the price I chose to pay)

And heartfelt words I hoped to say

And mean forevermore.

She answered, looked out slowly,

With her hand upon the latch,

Then suddenly said, her fiancée

(Oh! What a price I chose to pay!)

Would love to come and fish someday

So thank you for this catch.

At times I walk the river road

But never linger long.

For ever since that costly day

the river's joy has washed away.

For that's the price I chose to pay

And I was never wrong.


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