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  • Writer's pictureKeith Accisano

Psalms in Classical Verse, Part 1 (Psalms 1-7)

(The biblical book of Psalms was originally Hebrew poetry. But when translated to English, the Psalms bear little resemblance to English poetry, for they have neither rhyme nor meter. I have here attempted to paraphrase some of the psalms, sticking as close to their original meaning as possible while arranging them into forms of classical poetry. I have also named each paraphrased psalm, and listed the type of meter and number of beats per line.)

Psalm 1 - “Heaven’s Path”

Iambic. 4, 3, 4, 4, 3

Blessed is he who keeps his steps

Mismatched with evil men:

Who walks while sinners stampede by;

Who sits when scoffers stand to die

To such I say, amen!

That man delights in God’s good laws

As water clean and pure.

The withering day its heat can blast,

But his heart’s roots run deep and fast-

Its fruit and leaves secure.

Not so the wicked! They like chaff

Are blown all dry away

At Christ’s command, they shall not stand

Nor trouble more his righteous band

Who joy at Judgment Day.

For God keeps watch, and shields his own

Each place along his path.

The way of heaven holds his son

While sinners still rebellious run

Along the road to wrath.


Psalm 2 - “Monarchy”

Iambic. 4, 3, 4, 4, 4, 3, except for the first stanza, which is 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 3

What cause makes kings conspire?

Wherefore do nations scheme?

They clench their fists against our God

“Why should we serve, and servile nod?

We’ll bow not to his iron rod

Nor slaver’s son esteem!”

And from the throne, white thunder breaks

Rebuking echoes fly-

The laughter of a deity

A prelude to his just decree,

Forever sealing mastery

Of earth and heaven high:

“In Zion reigns my righteous king

He is my Son, true born

My word, my mind, my life and light

Now crowned before all nation’s sight

All lands and treasures his by right

And for you rebels - scorn!”

Therefore by warned, self-styled kings!

With reverent fear repent.

The Son of God, your true Lord know

To him rites of obedience show

Lest you should spark his wrath aglow

And with his foes lament.


Psalm 3 - “To the Protector”

Iambic. 4, 3, 4, 3, or Common Meter

Dear God! My foes are thousands strong

And thousands more yet rise!

With threats and curses all day long

They smear your name with lies.

They say of you “He will not save;

His servant’s sure to die.”

But God! My shield, my glory brave

You hear me from on high.

In peace I sleep, in hope I wake

Each day my soul sustained.

Against your hand, the sword blades break

And arrows fail though trained.

And yet, great God! Deliver me!

Come break the wicked’s bones

And for your people, blessing bring

And shield us from their stones.


Psalm 4 - “Royal Rebuke”

Trochaic. 4, 4, 7, 7

Answer me, oh righteous Power!

Mercy bring in dreadful hour!

Surely you are silent for my people’s grievous sinning:

Service to false gods and carven demons ghastly grinning.

Peace, my subjects, God has granted

Kingship to the prince he planted:

I, whose holy prayers he hears, though rarely mark his moving.

Purify your hearts and hands ere anger be his proving!

Stubborn, bold, audacious nation,

Craving all the Lord’s creation!

“Who will bring us wine?” you clamor, raving like false prophets.

“When will come the harvest?” shout the heedless sons of Tophet.

Idols cannot sate your hungers;

God alone sets forth his wonders.

Turn aside from dark suspicion; seek the Lord of Lights.

Find him and enjoy with me full days and peaceful nights.


Psalm 5 - “Vapors”

Iambic Tetrameter (4 in each line).

Oh living Lord, please hear my heart.

At dawn, consider all my cries,

And catch the vapor of my voice,

As evening’s wingless words arise.

On darkened deeds you look with hate

Nor will you hear corrupted kings.

For rogues have no reward from you-

Nor they who boast in baseless things.

Yet with mercy you have met me;

My reverence, you have regarded.

I joy to see your temple’s towers;

Gladly my way you have guarded.

Oh that you would fell my foes-

Whose mouths with monstrous malice move!

Impugn iniquity in them-

Let banished brigands justice prove!

But as for those whose path is peace,

Who run to you for refuge dear-

In triumph let these blessed souls sing,

And by God safely shielded, cheer.


Psalm 6 - “Daybreak”

Modified Trochaic Tetrameter (4 in each line, with every 2nd and 4th line ending in only half a Trochee).

Could it be that God is angry?

Has my sin inflamed his ire?

Will my weakness prompt his mercy

Ere I crumble in this fire?

Greatly troubled, sore afflicted-

Father God! How long, how long?

Don’t you care enough to heal me?

Can my corpse lift up your song?

How I weary with my weeping!

How I swim amidst my tears!

Oh my God why don’t you hear me!

Hopeless grief consumes my years.

O away from me you devils!

My eyes ache from evil sights.

I am haggard with my heartache,

Secret shame and restless nights.

Could it be that God has heard me?

Has my sighing moved his heart?

Were the prayers I thought rejected

All accepted from the start?

O I know that God has heard me!

Not unnoticed went my cries.

He has quelled the sting of sorrow;

Tender hands have touched my eyes.


Psalm 7 - “Integrity”

Modified Anapestic Trimeter (3 in each line, with every 1st and 3rd line ending in an unstressed syllable).

In the Lord, who delivers from evil

The Creator who dwells in pure light,

Only him shall I trust for my rescue

For his judgements are perfect and right.

Let my enemies find me and slay me

Let them trample my life in the dust

If my friend I have ever defrauded

Or my dealings have failed to be just.

For the justice of God is a furnace

Where the works of all men shall be tried

There the righteous shall shine in his favor,

But the wicked will perish in pride.

With integrity I shall approach him

With my soul laid before him in truth

He has blessed me forever as holy-

Heart at peace like an innocent youth.

Surely robbers will find their goods stolen,

And all scoffers will find their words mocked,

For our Lord twists the steps of all villains

And he thwarts every scheme they concoct.

So be still, all you troubled by evil

There’s no deed God will fail to redress

For our God is a terror to tyrants

But a friend to meek men who confess.


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